Quotes and Wisdom

Do it now because soon will be never too often.

08 Feb 2020

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09 Feb 2020 Don't compare your child to others, their time to pop is coming. 0.00
08 Feb 2020 Do it now because soon will be never too often. 0.00
07 Feb 2020 If you feel happy with the happiness of other you posess a wealth without limits 2.00
06 Feb 2020 I will always be there for you. 5.00
05 Feb 2020 The most beautiful years of life start all over again every year. 5.00
04 Feb 2020 Never lose hope. 0.00
03 Feb 2020 Thanks for who you are and everything you do. 5.00
02 Feb 2020 Sometimes hard times are needed to open your eyes. 0.00
01 Feb 2020 Goodmorning 1.00
31 Jan 2020 Do not judge my choices without understanding my reasons. 1.00
30 Jan 2020 Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future but instead focus on today. 0.00
29 Dec 2019 Good people are like candles: they burn themselves to give others light 2.83
28 Dec 2019 I'd like to meet myself instead of running into myself all the time 2.50
27 Dec 2019 Huh, me? 0.00
26 Dec 2019 Good friends make good times better and difficult times easier 2.50
25 Dec 2019 The key to success has only 4 letters: Do it 0.00
24 Dec 2019 People learn the most from their own failures 0.00
23 Dec 2019 We don't grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges 3.00
22 Dec 2019 I don't have everything I love, but I love everything I have 0.00
21 Dec 2019 Every star in the tree reminds me of the ones who are no longer here 0.00
20 Dec 2019 Don't start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday 2.20
19 Dec 2019 Marlon Brando - Only the one who walks his own way can't be overtaken 2.50
13 Dec 2019 If you adapt in order not to lose people, you lose yourself 4.00
12 Dec 2019 A friend is someone who understands your past 0.00
30 Nov 2019 What would you like to wish now. 4.80